
Cobra OCT Spectrometer

Cobra OCT Spectrometer

Cobra OCT Spectrometer

Cobra OCT Spectrometer

    Wasatch Photonics brings its expertise in spectrometer design to optical coherence tomography (OCT) with its world class “Cobra” line of Spectrometers. They are ideally suited for use in both industrial and academic applications. The Cobra spectrometer offers many clear advantages over other devices that include: compact size, high-throughput, polarization independence, optimal camera design and excellent roll-off performance. Cobra’s unique engineering and optical design allow us to provide all of these features at a surprisingly affordable price.

Cobra OCT Spectrometer

Key Features

  • High-throughput Volume Phase Holographic Grating

  • Tall-pixel camera optimized for OCT

  • Custom optical design for high-sensitivity

  • Robust Alignment

  • Polarization independence


Cobra Spectrometers can be customized for a variety of applications. These spectrometers can achieve imaging depths of over 12 mm, at imaging resolution below 2 um, with spectral width greater than 500 nm and spectral resolution below 0.02 nm.

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