


品牌:   BATOP

型号:   MC


品牌:   BATOP

型号:   MC

 BATOP GmbH成立于2003年,是一家隶属于德国耶拿大学的私人创新型公司。BATOP从事的专业领域包括:低温分子束外延技术,介质溅射镀膜,晶圆加工和芯片安装技术。在过去几年里, BATOP 已成为一个用于被动锁模激光器的可饱和吸收体的世界领先的供应商。可饱和吸收产品集合了各式各样的不同的器件,从可饱和吸收镜(SAM™),到可饱和输出镜(SOC)和用于透过应用的可饱和吸收体(SA)。迄今为止,可饱和吸收产品已经覆盖了800nm到2.6µm的常用激光波长范围。另一个产品系列是用于太赫兹发射和探测的太赫兹光电导天线(PCA)。BATOP不仅提供单带隙天线,还包括整合了微透镜的高能大狭缝交叉天线阵列和整套的太赫兹光谱仪。 太赫兹光电导天线的激发波长为800nm到1550nm之间。BATOP借助强大的研发能力来不断提高自己的产品, 我们始终和客户在一起,好的满足他们的需求。


MC – 反射模式微芯片(Microchip in reflection mode)


  • Nd:YVO4 laser crystal is bonded with a saturable absorber mirror (SAM).
  • The laser output beam is in the reverse direction of the pump beam and must be separated from pump light by using a dichroitic mirror.
  • The laser output is linear polarized with the polarization direction perpendicular to the groove in the copper heat sink.


Part No.

Delivery time



1 week

Microchip in reflection mode
λ = 1064 nm, pulse duration ~ 100 ps,
pulse energy ~ 20 nJ, repetition rate 80 kHz - 700 kHz
pump wavelength 808 nm


1 week

Microchip in reflection mode
λ = 1064 nm, pulse duration ~ 240 ps,
pulse energy ~ 30 nJ, repetition rate 50 kHz - 800 kHz
pump wavelength 808 nm

MCT – 传输模式微芯片


  • The Nd:YVO4 laser crystal is bonded with a saturable output coupler (SOC).
  • The laser output beam is in the same direction as the pump beam.
  • The laser output is linear polarized.

Part No.

Delivery time



1 week

Microchip in transmission mode
λ = 1064 nm, pulse duration ~ 90 ps,
pulse energy ~ 100 nJ, repetition rate 20 kHz - 400 kHz
pump wavelength 808 nm


1 week

Microchip in transmission mode
λ = 1064 nm, pulse duration ~ 220 ps,
pulse energy ~ 160 nJ, repetition rate 20 kHz - 400 kHz
pump wavelength 808 nm

Microchip description and applications


The Microchip (MC) consists of a saturable absorber mirror bonded with a Nd:YVO4 laser crystal. The MC can be used to generate pulsed laser radiation at 1064 nm wavelength if pumped with a pump diode at 808 nm. Possible application areas of this laser radiation are:


  • l  ƒmicromachining
  • l  ƒlight detection and ranging (LIDAR)
  • l  ƒprecision measurements
  • l  ƒfrequency conversion

The main advantage of a laser build with this microchip is the pump power dependent repetition rate with fixed pulse duration and pulse energy. By simply increasing the pump power at 808 nm the repetition rate - and consequently the average output power - will be increased proportionally starting from the laser threshold.

Microchip parameters
Optical Pump Parameters
Parameter at T=25°C Min. Typ. Max.
Wavelength 806nm 808nm 810nm
Pump Power 70 150mW-200mW 300mW
Pump Spot Diameter 25µm 40µm 60µm
Fluorescent Lifetime   55µs (2%)  
Pump Absorption @ 808nm 93% 95% 99,5%
Pump Power Density 5 kW/cm2   24 kW/cm2*
Lasing performance with 40μm pump spot size at 25°C
Parameter at T=25°C Min. Typ. Max.
Laser Wavelength 1064.0nm 1064.3nm 1064.6nm
Laser Wavelength Drift   23 pm/100mW**  
Beam Waist Diameter 60 µm   100 µm
M2 1.1 1.3 1.5
Pulse Energy 30 nJ 34 nJ 38 nJ
Pulse Duration 220ps 240ps 260ps
Differential Efficiency 10% 15% 20%
Laseing Thresold 80 mW 90 mW 100 mW
Polarization Extinction Ratio   100  
frep 50 kHz   800 khz
Pav (150mW) 6 mW 7,6 mW 9 mW
Pav (200mW) 13 mW 14,4 mW 16 mW
Dependency of the average output power P on the pump power at 808 nm
Dependency of the repetition rate frep on the pump power at 808 nm
Pulse duration
Pulse spectrum

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